Resilient Sustainable Energy Supply on Islands – The Case of Photovoltaic Solar Enenrgy in Indonesia
Event Details
To ensure an ecologically, economically and socially sustainable future for Indonesia’s 17.000 islands and their surrounding marine zones, Indonesia’s islands should become more resilient regarding the rapid increase of energy demand. This change should result in self-sufficient, sustainable islands, under all circumstances, with limited emissions and waste streams such that the local ecology and biodiversity will be protected as well. A low emission technology such as photovoltaic (PV) solar energy could play an important role in this change, because of the high irradiation the whole year through in Indonesia and the technologies’ low cost, its modularity, silent operation and ease of installation and maintenance. However, until now the installed power of PV systems in Indonesia is rather limited.
In the Netherlands, the energy transition is stimulated by the Dutch Climate Agreement, which envisions 49% CO2 emissions in 2030 and 90% in 2050, leading to high expectations about the role of photovoltaic solar energy systems in this transition. Technical experiences so far are, positive; however for a further increase of the installed PV power societal acceptance will be key.
Hence both in Indonesia and the Netherlands, the development of sustainable energy solutions requires an interdisciplinary approach that is well-embedded in socio-economic, environmental and engineering research because the implementation of these solutions on islands can only be successful if they will meet the needs of all stakeholders and if these solutions will be reliable and truly sustainable in practice.
In this session, photovoltaic solar energy systems will be discussed this interdisciplinary context.