Climate and Sustainable Development: Implementation by Cities in ASEAN countries

Prof. Ir. Bakti Bobi Setiawan MA., PhD
Professor in Urban Planning, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia

Dr. Dyah Rahmawati Hizbaron
Lecturer at Faculty of Geography and Research Fellow at Research Centre for Disaster Universitas Gadjah Mada

Prof. Haryo Winarso
Professor at the School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development, Institut Teknologi Bandung (SAPPD-ITB). Head of Urban Planning and Design Research Group, ITB

Prof. dr. Ronald Holzhacker
Professor of ‘Comparative Multilevel Governance and Regional Structure’ in the Faculty of Spatial Science, University of Groningen, the Netherlands
Event Details
This panel roundtable is an opportunity to hear a discussion about key findings from the book in progress emerging from a major international conference organized by the University of Groningen, Gadjah Mada University, and Thammasat University in Bangkok in March 2023. The conference was called ‘Transformative Futures: Climate and Sustainable Development’ and over 50 persons participatated, including scholars, PhD candidates, public officials, and policymakers from across ASEAN and beyond. Themes focused on urbanism, housing, infrastructure development, transport, water, and climate and the environment in Southeast Asia. Broadly, we are interested in focusing attention on synergies in the implementation of the sustainable development and climate change agendas facing cities in Southeast Asia.
There are a set of groundbreaking international agreements and on-going processes in place for the world community to come together to address climate change and sustainable development. These include the Paris Climate Accords (UNFCCC), the on-going IPCC processes, the periodic UN Climate Change Conferences (COP27, Egypt 2022), as well as the agreements on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the periodic UN High-Level Political Forums (HLPF), and the Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) of the SDGs.
While we may begin with these international dialogues, agreements, and processes, here we turn attention toward implementation to make the necessary urgent, substantial progress on climate adaptation and sustainable development. The implementation of climate adaptation measures and sustainable development occurs in multi-level governance processes involving national, provincial and local governments in each State. These processes involve governments, public and private stakeholders, civil society organizations, and citizens. Shedding light on the intricate multi-level processes of implementation is crucial because ‘place specific context’ matters for the successful implementation of broad societal goals.
Key Takeaways
*Key findings from our international research on climate and sustainable development.
*Focus on implementation by cities in SE Asia of these agendas, especially Thailand and Indonesia.
*Special attention on the SDGs and the most vulnerable, to place focus on ‘leaving no one behind’ and the transition process.
*Focus on recommendations and suggestions on improved coordination and learning across SE Asia and within ASEAN on implementing this agenda.
Video Recording