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WINNER 2022 » Speakers » Arif Nur Muhammad Ansori
Arif Nur Muhammad Ansori
Junior Researcher at Professor Nidom Foundation Surabaya


Arif Nur Muhammad Ansori is a researcher in the Professor Nidom Foundation, Surabaya, Indonesia. He holds a Master of Science in Vaccinology and Immunotherapeutics from the Airlangga University, Indonesia. Presently, he is a Doctoral Candidate in Veterinary Science at the Airlangga University and he received a PMDSU Scholarship (Batch III) from the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. His research interests include virology, molecular biology, bioinformatics, and natural products. He has authored and co-authored more than 100 international articles in Scopus-indexed journals with 15 h-index.

Poster Title

Immune Response After COVID-19 Vaccination


Professor Nidom Foundation
