Ini subtitle
Transition Towards Water Sensitive Cities – Bekasi
Event Details
This round table aims to deepen and expand further Dutch-Indonesian collaboration related to the Amsterdam International Water Week 2019. As an outcome of the Water Week the cities of Jakarta, Cape Town and Amsterdam are developing a community of praxis, bridging theory and practice. This community aims to create a shared learning on water and sanitation in the context of climate change (SDG 6 and 13). Shared learning does not only refer to a technical, political or economic approach, but includes also the dimension of religion and values. The reason for this is that the challenges involved are often too complex to be solved by one discipline. Two initiatives are pitched. First, the round table presents research that highlights that actions are informed by the way people look at the world, including images of human – nature. A question is then, how can decision-makers take worldviews into consideration to enhance eco-friendly behavior and help effective implementation of environmental policies? Second, during the table the city of Bekasi, located on the eastern border of Jakarta with a population 2.8 million people, is used as a case study to further sanitation improvements. The past Water Operator Partnership could benefit from continuation using a multi-stakeholder approach that seeks to include religious communities as actors of change. Bekasi is ambitious in bringing the current sewage collection and treatment system to a next level – in line with the ambitions of the Indonesian government. The table discusses these initiatives and related interdisciplinary approach.