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Winner 2021 - Day 2 » Smart and Energy Efficient City

Smart and Energy Efficient City


Co-founder and currently Senior Researcher of Lokahita – Research Center for Ecology and Geospatial

Director of National Laboratory for Energy Conversion Technology at BPPT

Professional Architect and Urban Designer

Associate Professor of Applied Physics at the University of Twente

Professor of Energy Systems Analysis at Delft University of Technology


Head of the Nonlinear Nanophotonics group and the Co-Chairholder of the Laser Physics and Nonlinear Optics chair at University of Twente

Event Details

Day 2
October 27th, 2021
16.30 – 17.45 GMT+7 / 11.30 - 12.45 GMT+2

Transition towards smart and energy efficient city

The climate crisis has become a daily phenomenon today. World leaders have committed to addressing the root causes of the climate crisis through reducing carbon emissions in the 2015 Paris Agreement to keep rising global temperatures below 1.5 degrees Celsius. One of the efforts is realized through the transformation of energy into renewable energy. In Indonesia, this is stated in the nationally determined contribution document which is followed up by various policies to achieve net-zero emissions. In the Netherlands, the 2021 Climate Adaptation Summit calls on countries of the world to work together and invest in finding solutions and mitigation of climate change.
On 5 June 2021, I&P Indonesia and IKANED raised this awareness to the Indonesian-Netherlands community in a webinar:

We will highlight the application of solar energy towards energy efficiency for sustainable community.
• Current conditions regarding climate crisis and urgency of energy transformation
• Green Building in tropical country, towards net zero emission through urban design and architecture
• Energy management system for residential and sinergic colaboration in terms of storage, distribution and operator
• PV system implementation and smart grids technology in the Netherlands
• Government policies and public involvement for transition to green energy in the Netherlands

To strengthen and widen the spreading of SDGs understanding among development actors, we take the initiative to organize a workshop in the following months. The scope of this workshop are re-thinking sustainable development concepts, energy mix with sustainable natural resources and applied technology practices in society.

Event Recording