Curse or Blessing: A discussion of the opportunity and challenges of generative AI in educating the future generation of workforce

Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari
Professor of Computer Engineering, University of Indonesia (UI)

Jesse Weltevreden
Director Centre for Market Research, Professor Digital Commerce, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences

Frederik Situmeang
LESSEN consortium members, Associate professor AI and Data Driven Business, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences & University of Amsterdam
Event Details
The Dutch Science Organization (NWO) has placed generative AI as one of its main research agenda priorities and very recently granted a research funding to a consortium of research universities, university of applied sciences, and industries to investigate and proliferate the application of generative AI technology (see: Indonesia also has a strong interest to apply this technology as the data shows that it is the fourth highest in the word for incoming request for the technology usage (see:
Generative AI has enabled computer engineers to rapidly create programming codes, architects to create new designs and technical calculations of such designs; and students using generative AI to help write their graduation thesis. The availability of generative AI tools poses both opportunities and challenges to the industry and to educators in preparing future generations to benefit this technology. On one side, generative AI technology is evolving very rapidly and can hasten the development process in creative product creation which would tremendously increase efficiency. However, since generative AI replaces many of the creative processes which poses a serious question to the role and responsibility of the artists/engineers who are supposed to create and responsible to the work.
With the shared interest to generative AI, we propose a panel discussion between Dutch and Indonesian researchers/educators to develop new educational policies and strategies in accelerating knowledge transfer between the two countries in preparing the future generation to fully benefit from generative AI.