Combatting Anti-Microbial Resistance

Dinarti Kardono
a Microbiologist working as laboratory analyst in the Microbiology Laboratory of Station for Investigation of Fish Health and Environment (SIFHE)

Tri Pudy Asmarawati
Internist working as a lecturer and medical staff in the Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University Surabaya, and in the Tropical and Infectious Disease Division, Internal Medicine Department of Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya

Liys Desmayanti
Veterinarian as a government officer at Veterinery Drug Control Division, Directorate of Animal Health, Ministry of Agriculture, Republic of Indonesia

Rianna Anwar Sani
Veterinarian and am currently doing a PhD at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Utrecht University

Juliëtte Severin
Clinical microbiologist and medical coordinator of the Unit Infection Prevention of the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam.

Jaap Wagenaar
Veterinarian and the chair of the Clinical Infectious Diseases at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University.
Event Details
Since decades there is a collaboration between Indonesia and the Netherlands in the field of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Initially, the collaboration was mainly focussing on knowledge exchange between Indonesian and Dutch hospitals, and capacity building for the specialism of medical microbiology. More recently, the collaboration is extended to veterinary medicine, and the role of the environment in the transmission of resistant bacteria. Integrating these disciplines is called the One Health approach. Since two years, the Indonesian-Dutch network on AMR was recognized by the Fellowship Scheme of the Fleming Fund. Supported by Fleming Fund, a mentoring and networking program has been developed between microbiologists and epidemiologists from human and animal domains from both countries. Besides individual coaching, the program is aiming for sharing knowledge, fostering collaboration, and participating in each other’s networks. Currently, a collaborative One Health project is designed. This project is in the interface between research and education.
In the session antimicrobial usage data will presented by one speaker from the human side and three speakers from the animal side, including one from the aquaculture side. The presentations will be short with intermezzo’s with Mentimeter questions: how are the human and animal worlds linked when it comes to transmission of resistant bacteria? What can a medical doctor learn from a microbiologist working with fish health (and vice versa)?
Our envisioned result is that participants will get a better understanding of the link between human medicine and veterinary/aquaculture medicine when it comes to antimicrobial use and how resistant bacteria can be transmitted between these domains.