The study aims to analyze the ways children negotiate their claims of no-knowledge in responding to adults’ questions. Usually, such claim is realized by the utterance of enggak/nggak tau in Colloquial Jakartan Indonesia. The Child Language Data Exchange System (CHILDES) corpus was used as a source of the data. Any lexical patterns were also determined. Most adults produce lexical items that indicate their disbelief of children’s claims in their questions. It is caused by the fact that the children are the owners of epistemic access. It was found that some children finally give related knowledge when adults remind them of their epistemic statuses. It indicates that the children realize they have epistemic right and responsibility because of their statuses. Some children defend their claims of no-knowledge even though the adults give several questions to elicit their knowledge. They, even, try to withdraw themselves from the discussion on the topic. To strengthen their claims of no-knowledge, they try to associate it with the state of not remember. The children understand some mental states such as not know and not remember are interrelated. Children are able to use claims of no-knowledge to manage the talk as well as show their authority.