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WINNER 2021 » Poster Session » The Living Lab Upper Citarum for River Sustainability
Ira Dwi Mayangsari - Environmental Communication Research Group, Telkom University, Indonesia; Dwina Roosmini - Environmental Management Technology Research Group, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia; Loes Witteveen - Communication, Participation & Social Ecological Learning Research group, Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Science, the Netherland

The Living Lab Upper Citarum, Indonesia, aims to establish longterm partnership between Indonesia and Dutch organizations. It focuses on river sustainability through empowering the society around the river. In addition, the Lab offers a place for public-private-people partnership (4Ps) of multidiscipline universities, institutes, civic society organization (CSO), local government and society collaborate for creation, prototyping, validating, and testing the new technologies, services, products and systems in real-life contexts. In 2018, the Living Lab project introduced a strategy for public participation, social dialogue and policy design. The project invites collaboration of Citarum stakeholders to elaborate a social dialogue using artistic poetry, painting and drawing made by community as new tools for participatory communication. Further, the strategy is transferred to broader society with the use of poetry banner, video, Instagram, and block note. In 2021-2022, Living Lab project will continue with designing android application to attract community to participate in smart waste management system based on participatory approach. Moreover, a participatory video to preserve the ecosystem (plant and animals) in Citarum will also be created to support community awareness related to river sustainability. All the activities will also be documented and distribute to the stakeholders

Should you have any questions relevant for this research/project

Ms. Ira Dwi Mayangsari, Ms. Dwina Roosmini, Ms. Loes Witteveen

Ira Dwi Mayangsari (

Dwina Roosmini  (

Loes Witteveen (