``Language is one of the crucial aspects of children’s literacy development. Moreover, literacy development can be seen from the narrative performance which can lead to a better understanding of language ability. Particularly, it is crucial to examine the impact of home language on the narrative performance of children. By understanding how home language influences narrative abilities, educators and policymakers can create more inclusive and effective learning environments that support the diverse linguistic backgrounds of students, thereby promoting quality education for all. The present research aims to describe and elaborate on the importance of home language in the narrative performance of Indonesian-Dutch bilingual children in the classroom. The literature study has been performed as the methodology of the present research. The results suggest that by addressing the role of home language in narrative performance, educators can implement strategies to support multilingual students in the classroom, develop inclusive teaching materials, and provide appropriate language support. This aligns with SDG 4's objective of ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education, where all children have access to effective learning opportunities and resources, regardless of their linguistic background or cultural context.<br />
Keywords: Home Language, Narrative Performance, Indonesian-Dutch Bilinguals, Quality Education``<br />