Reviany Nidom was born in Pasuruan on 1983. She went to the Faculty of Pharmacy, the Airlangga University and graduated as a Pharmacist in 2005. In 2007, she continued to master’s degree in the same faculty and subsequently continued to doctoral study in 2010 in Basic Medical Science at the Faculty of Medicine, the University of Airlangga. She is now a senior researcher and the Director of Research and Development at the Professor Nidom Foundation. Since 2005, She has been actively conducting research in molecular biology and vaccinology with the main focus on the development of vaccines for infectious diseases and zoonotic diseases. Many national and international publications have been written by her, as well as collaborations with researchers from national and international institutions, such as Tokyo University, Hokkaido University, Kyoto University, Geneve University, and Laussane University.
Poster Title
PNF Channel: An Education And Information Media For Zoonotic Diseases
Professor Nidom Foundation
E-mail: reviany@pnfinstitute.org
LinkedIn: https://id.linkedin.com/in/reviany-nidom-00887b40