After graduated as Dipl.-Ing. (Process Technology) in 1997 fom T.U. Braunschweig, Germany, Haznan Abimanyu joint LIPI directly as Junior Researcher at Research Center for Chemistry. He graduated as Ph.D. (catalyst and chemical engineering) from Korea University of Science and Technology in 2008, and promoted to be Head of Division for Process Technology and Catalysis in 2010 until 2013. Before appointed as Head of Research Organization for Energy and Manufacture, BRIN in 2022, Haznan was designated as Head of Research Center for Electric Power and Mechatronics – LIPI in 2019. He is also Principle Researcher since October 2021. As Researcher, he conducted many research works, got several research grants and published papers in National and International journals or proceedings in the field of catalyst and renewable energy.