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WINNER 2021 » Speakers » Charan van Krevel
Charan van Krevel
Lecturer and PhD Candidate at the Department of Economics and Business Economics, Radboud University


Charan van Krevel is a lecturer and PhD Candidate at the Department of Economics and Business Economics. His doctoral thesis, named “Institutions, Natural Capital, and Sustainable Development”, studies the fundamental causes of sustainable economic development, paying particular attention to the role played by natural resources. On a macro level, Charan studies why some nations develop more sustainably than others, and what role produced, human, and natural capital play in the process. On a micro level, his research involves a case-study in Indonesia, considering how oil and gas windfalls contribute to human capital accumulation via spending in education and health.

Poster Title

Resource Windfalls and Local Public Goods in Indonesia



Radboud University, Institute for Management Research, PO Box 9108, 6500 HK Nijmegen, the Netherlands


Tel: +31 243 612005, Fax: +31 243 612 379,


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