Dr. Awaludin Marwan, SH, MH, MA. is the current Chief Executive Organization (CEO) of the digital legal service and a professional marketplace named ‘HeyLaw.’ Besides working at HeyLaw, he also teaches cyberlaw at Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya University in Bekasi, Indonesia. Previously, he was a researcher at Satjipto Rahardjo Institute. Several studies on abstracts of normative concepts and empirical socio-legal issues are conducted on a regular basis at the Satjipto Rahardjo Institute. He has a deep interest in organizing conferences, for example, he was involved in the international legal conference – Environmental Justice: Legal empowerment on pollution victims in Indonesia and China which was presented by Satjipto Rahardjo Institute, Diponegoro University, and the Van Vollenhoven Institute Leiden University. In addition, he also took part in organizing the international conference on humanity science, such as a conference on social science on September, 19-20, 2014 which discussed a lot about the development of social science in Indonesia. Besides researches and conferences, at Satjipto Rahardjo Institute, he also worked on academic publications, academic writing training, legal aid for the poor, journal on progressive law, etc. As to academic background, he obtained a master’s degree at the International Institute of the Sociology of Law (IISL) Onati, Spain in 2011 and Legal Science at Diponegoro University in 2010 after his bachelor’s degree at the Semarang State University (Faculty of Law) in 2008. He has published his books such as Radical Subject of Zizekian Study, 2012. Lambert Academic Publishing; The Imperialism Battle Discourse of Basic Human Right Idea in Indonesia and Malaysia, see SSRN: Aceh’s Transitional Justice.