My name is Ade Kurniawan. Currently I also teach at the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Yapis University, Papua. I teach an aquaculture course. Previously, I completed my bachelor’s degree in Marine Science at Fisheries University, Jakarta and Master’s degree in Aquaculture with an environmental concentration at Brawijaya University, Malang. Apart from teaching, I am also active in various researches that I did with the team at the Yapis University of Papua. Then I also formed a community,namely the Literacy Panda community. Together with this community, my friends and I always make several Community Service activities. Which, these activities come from the results of research that I have done.
Poster Title
E-mail: ade_granada@yahoo.co.id
Presentation Summary
Feed was the most important part in aquaculture. Not only affecting growth, but the feed also impacted the cultivation environment. Poor feeding management in the use of feed will have a negative impact on the cultivation process.
The purpose of the research was to create a dynamic system model. In the model a systemized algorithm was structured that would assist cultivators in carrying out aquaculture activities and with this model, problems that occurred were immediately resolved. The dynamic system model was the method used in this research.