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Integrated Mangrove, Modern City, and Fish Cultural Zone (IMO FINE)
Authors: Dito Aditia, Cakti Indra Gunawan, Moch. Ilman Fauzi , Arifah Wahida

``The mangrove ecosystem is one of the natural biological systems in waterfront locales with a fluctuating plant association, ecological nature and economic development. Deforestation and deforestation of mangroves have been occurring at critical rates. Mangrove change to aquaculture is the essential driver of mangrove misfortune in Indonesia, the country with the world's biggest mangrove communities. Nonetheless, the lack of human resources understanding of the functions of the mangrove is still undergoing. This article is composed of the Systematic Review of literature and Training on the Institutional Capacity in Mangrove Ecosystem Management. Integrated Mangrove, Modern City and Fish Cultural Zone (IMO FINE) is a model to integrate three sectors mangrove conservation, modern city, and fish Cultural zone in coastal management. IMO FINE is the new model with integrative-collaborative in multidimensional sectors and society, involving eight stakeholders and three goals. However, existing human resources in coastal areas must support optimal and sustainable mangrove management.<br /> Keywords : mangrove, human, resources, IMO FINE``

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Dito Aditia, Cakti Indra Gunawan, Moch. Ilman Fauzi , Arifah Wahida,,