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Global Climate Change Issues on Water Resources
Authors: Arif Nur Muhammad Ansori

Facilities and access to education in the field of technology in Indonesia are still limited. This of course will affect the quality of the programmer. The failure of technology-based start-up companies (startups) in Indonesia is caused by the team's lack of solid performance and the many errors in the programmer recruitment process. We can solve this problem by sharing technological insights between countries. The purpose of this innovation is to present a platform in order to facilitate access to learning for Indonesian-Netherlands programmers and prospective programmers so they can establish connections. Programmers can discuss technology projects with each other and exchange insights. To support this effort, the author has an idea in the form of designing the AfterCode platform, a solution to strengthen the Indonesian-Netherlands programmer connection so that it can create qualified and competent programmers in teamwork. The writing of this scientific work uses the SDLC (software development life cycle) method. Data collection was carried out by means of a literature study. While the prototype design uses Figma. Figma was chosen as the medium for designing this prototype because Figma is cloud-based, making it easier for teamwork. After that, enter the programming stage, using the help of the Visual Studio Code (VSC) application. The reason for choosing VSC is because it is the most popular code editor software today. With the presence of this platform, it is hoped that programmers can be helped to make connections between Dutch programmers. In order to exchange insights, create innovations and joint projects.

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Nuurun Najmi Qonita

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