Erosion is an essential issue in sandy beaches and intertidal flats. One of examples of intertidal flats that is encountering erosion is the Eastern Scheldt. This erosion is caused by wind-generated wave and can adversely affect flood safety, tourism, and ecology. Considering the suitability of intertidal flats environment to apply floating breakwater, 180 simulations in Delft3D were performed to see how different wave conditions, floating breakwater positions, different channel and shoreface slopes were affecting the wave height reduction (for reducing erosion). The results showed that the floating breakwater can effectively reduce the wave height, under mild wave conditions. Furthermore, the floating breakwater did not perform well under stronger wave conditions. The floating breakwater is better to locate in more offshore considering the wave height reduction capacity but not too offshore (due to shoaling). Also, gentler channel and shoreface slopes can support floating breakwater wave reduction for better coastal environment protection.