Open Science
Dr. Ir. Dudi Hidayat, MSc
Director of Technology and Innovation Research Policy Formulation, BRIN
Prof. Paulina Pannen, MLS.
Lecturer of Universitas Terbuka. Founder of ICE Institute
Lilis Mulyani
Science and Policy, ALMI
Dr. Maria Cruz
Open Research Software Programme leader, Open Science NL
Dr Marjolein Barendse
Postdoctoral researcher at the Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, and running the Bottom-up Open Science Education (BOSE) project in the Netherlands.
Dr. Lisanne van Houtum
Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/Psychology, Erasmus Medical Centre, Sophia Children’s Hospital, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Evi Eliyanah
Associate Professor in Gender Studies and Director of Office of International Affairs, Universitas Negeri Malang. She is also the Member of Science and Education Working Group of the Indonesian Young Academy of Sciences
Event Details
In November 2021 the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science was adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO. Both Indonesia and the Netherlands adopted this recommendation. Open science is a topic that is also addressed during several Ministerial Declarations of the G20. What are the views of both Indonesia and the Netherlands on open science? What is happening in both countries? Are there open science policies in place? Is the concept of open science implemented in both countries and if yes, what does this look like? And what are the challenges concerning the topic of open science?