Living Labs Water Indonesia: Improving Ecosystem Services from Delta Area
Event Details
The session on “Living Labs Water Indonesia: Improving Ecosystem Services from Delta Areas” will bring together core participants from Living Lab initiatives in various parts of Indonesia. In the session we will share with you new developments, findings but also challenges of our Living Labs which focus on river watershed management, river pollution, agroforestry, coastal plastic pollution, and peat rehabilitation. What they share is the triple helix approach and the focus on improving Ecosystem Services provided by the respective areas. This also involves close stakeholder involvement, including GO’s, NGO’s, universities, TVETS, and private partners.
The target audience are teachers, students, and professionals involved in Natural Resource Management. We will illustrate and discuss how Living Labs can be used to approach so called wicked problems in Delta Areas, with a special focus on water and wet ecosystems. We will specifically address the role of students in this concept. Participants are challenged by questions and are also asked to think whether and how they could take part in one of the ongoing Living Labs initiatives.
The session will start with a short plenary introduction (10 min) followed by sessions in 4 breakout groups (25 min). After this there will be a concluding plenary session where findings of the 4 breakout groups are discussed and concluded with concrete recommendations for further actions (15 min).
NB: when subscribing for the online conference, participants should give their preference for the LLAB break out group they want to attend (1st and 2nd choice)
Format: Short introduction in plenary session, followed by 4 break-out group sessions, concluded in one final plenary session.
Goal: Give participants insight in the need for and current state/activities of LLABS, asking for input from participants using Mentimeter and the chatbox
Subscribing: when subscribing for the online conference, participants should give their preference for the break-out group session they want to attend (1st and 2nd choice).
- Plenary 1: Welcome and introduction on Living Labs Water Indonesia (10 min)
- Break-out Sessions (4), each for every LLab (25 min)
- Each LLab will elaborate on their LLab, and will use Mentimeter (or other interactive tools) to ask a few questions to the participants (e.g. interest in participation, knowledge, new ideas, word clouds, missing partners..). There is also room for questions from the participants.
- Plenary 2: feedback and conclusions (15 min)