Closing session – “Providing A Way Forward”

Yvonne Klerks
Science and Education Attaché at Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Indonesia

Agus Setiabudi
Education and Cultural Attache Embassy of The Republic of Indonesia The Hague The Netherlands

Evi Eliyanah
Associate Professor in Gender Studies and Director of Office of International Affairs, Universitas Negeri Malang. She is also the Member of Science and Education Working Group of the Indonesian Young Academy of Sciences

Sarah Ida Spronk
Policy Coordinator Global Health & Innovation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Event Details
The attachés will shortly explain who they are and what their role is. Furthermore, they will reflect on the main learnings from this WINNER week for their work, including future steps to take. Input on recent developments in education collaboration between the two countries for the next WINNER will also be given.