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Adoption Rate of Microhydro Technology Innovation Usage in Yogyakarta
Authors: Julian Nugroho, S.Pi., M.Si., CHRP.

``Challenges are standing ahead while efforts are delivered to achieve the Sustainable<br /> Development Goal number seven which is affordable and clean energy.<br /> Kooij et al. (2018) explained that the speed and progress of transitions towards renewable<br /> energy systems varies greatly between European member states. Among others, these<br /> differences have been attributed to the emergence of grassroots initiatives (GIs) that<br /> develop radical ideas and sustainable practices. Conditional factors lie within the material-<br /> economic dimension in terms of the biophysical conditions, the structure of the economy,<br /> energy dependency and the energy market. Sato et al.(2017) described that ensuring<br /> access to affordable, reliable, sustainable modern energy is a key challenge in reducing<br /> poverty in developing countries. Off-grid rural electrification based on decentralized<br /> renewable energy has been recognized as an effective way to increase access to energy<br /> in remote areas. However, there is some doubt about its long-term sustainability. This<br /> research which will be conducted plans to analyze the adoption rate of people in Yogyakarta<br /> region who adopted micro-hydro technology as their electricity source. The research<br /> problem statements are (1) how deep the users adoption rate of microhydro technology<br /> innovation develops, (2) how dynamic of users adoption rate of microhydro technology<br /> innovation factors influence, (3) how the communication strategy of microhydro technology<br /> innovation effectively takes part. Primary data collection will be collected by using method of<br /> census and interview. Collected data analysis will be conducted by Structural Equation<br /> Modelling and Systematic Literature Review.</p> <p>Keywords :Affordable and clean energy ; microhydro technology ; innovation ;<br /> adoption rate ; communication strategy``

Should you have any questions, please contact :

Julian Nugroho, S.Pi., M.Si., CHRP.

LinkedIn : Julian Nugroho, S.Pi., M.Si., CHRP.